
Graduation Year: 2013
Middle School: St. Paul's
College: Rice University
Home Town: Oakland 
Biggest difference between middle school and high school: The biggest difference for me was the change in how I had to study. I had to learn how to organize my time better because there was so much more I was trying to balance.

Why I chose College Prep: When I visited College Prep I felt like I had found somewhere I could really feel at home, and I think it's important to feel happy when you're at the school you chose.
Favorite place on campus: The Math office. I have been visiting the Math office since the second week of freshman year, and it has continued to be a warm, welcoming and friendly place to get homework done. I can get help with my math there, or just hang out with other students and my teachers. It also sometimes has chocolate, which automatically makes it an awesome place to hang out.

Campus involvement: I joined the softball team this year after quitting an outside-of-school sport, and it has been the most fun experience I've ever had. I have lots of great times with my team, and we all have fun supporting each other and kicking other teams butts. I've grown closer with my whole team and it's been incredibly rewarding to have such close friends who I can go to for anything.

Favorite class: It's a toss up between Chemistry and Japanese. My chemistry class is super fun and I have an awesome teacher, Coakley, who makes learning about chemistry incredibly interesting and fun. We also get cookie Thursdays, and cookies always make class fun. Japanese on the other hand is also really fun because we always play fun games, get to watch cool Japanese movies, and sing Japanese songs. But all my classes are extremely fun, and mainly it's because of the incredible teachers that work at College Prep.

Favorite thing about College Prep: I love that the College Prep community is welcoming and accepting of all of its students. It doesn't matter what kids wear to school, or what shows people watch, or what someone's favorite subject is, as long as the student is willing to join the community, the community is willing to accept that student for who he or she is.

Favorite College Prep memory: Freshman year I had Julie Anderson for English and we would always have moments of silence before class started. One time it was a food day (kids would bring in food once a week for the whole class) and it was toward the end of the year. So we had a moment of silence while eating our delicious sugary food. Then we created our own sentences using different grammar that we were learning and we got prizes for the most grammatically correct sentence. It was probably the most fun class ever, and we learned things at the same time.

Favorite character from a movie/book/television series: There are so many great characters in the world, but my favorite is probably Kaylee from Firefly. Firefly is a TV show that only aired for one season, but it's one of the best shows ever. It's kind of a mix between an old western and a science fiction show. Kaylee is the engineer/mechanic who keeps the space ship that the show takes place on working. She is really funny, cute, and also incredibly smart.

Three unusual things about myself:
  1. I enjoy creating fun food combinations. (The best is probably caramel sauce and tater tots).
  2. I have an unhealthy obsession with Disney movies.
  3. I think if you add the word "pants" to the end of any word it automatically makes it hilarious.

The College Preparatory School

mens conscia recti

a mind aware of what is right